Discover your path to hearing God’s voice and living an abundant life
Experience ‘Abiding in the Vine’’ - Our online study dedicated to life transformation.
You are not meant to merely exist, but to have abundant life! Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that “…I came to give life and life abundant”. This is the fruit of Abiding in the Vine.
Everyone can receive this promise of abundant life. Our resources provide you with the next steps to experiencing God’s best.
Video Courses
Experience the fullness of a life with Christ!
To support you in this transformational journey,
we provide an array of video courses and participant workbooks that will equip you with the knowledge and encouragement necessary to experience supernatural life. Join us as we walk together in a life filled with abundance and fulfillment in the grace of God.
Abiding in the Vine
At Abide Ministries, we believe in the abundant life promised by Jesus. It is a journey of 'Abiding in the Vine,' where every individual is destined to thrive.
Additional Courses
Discerning God’s Will
Receive God’s specific instructions and will for you, and let Him lead you in an abundant and exceptional life!
Living in the Kingdom:
Discover the remarkable privileges and benefits that await us in the Kingdom--the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy!
Abiding Ministries Podcast
Tune in for life changing discussions, testimonies, and teachings to deepen your faith
Guest: Casey Mulligan - Economist - Prediction for Trump Economy (2)
In this conversation, Casey Mulligan discusses economic predictions based on his model, focusing on wage growth, inflation, government spending, and the role of the Federal Reserve. He emphasizes the importance…
Episode #976 | Duration: 21:56
Primer: Discerning God's Will (6)
In this conversation, Richard and Kathy explore the theme of discerning God's will, especially as the new year approaches. They…
Episode #975 | Duration: 23:01
Primer: Discerning God's Will (5)
In this conversation, Richard Case and Kathy explore the complexities of discerning God's will in our lives. They emphasize the…
Episode #974 | Duration: 19:42
Primer: Discerning God's Will (4)
In this conversation, Richard Case and Kathy discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in 2025, emphasizing the importance…
Episode #973 | Duration: 19:34
End Times: Update - Eric & Rabbi Ephraim (2)
This conversation delves into the complex realities of life in Israel, particularly in the context of ongoing conflicts and political…
Episode #972 | Duration: 24:52
Recent Articles from Abide Ministries
Why do we need Christmas?
It’s that time of year when we pull out our greenery and decorations, gather to sing carols and exchange gifts, and enjoy far too many
Ideas for a Christ-Centered Christmas
Traditions are such an integral part of the Christmas season. From decorating the Christmas tree, to joining together to celebrate Christ with a Christmas Eve
Finding Joy in the Christmas Season
We all know that Christmas can be a season of mixed feelings. While we try our best to enjoy the fun and festivity, and to
Thanksgiving Reflections
As followers of Christ, we celebrate this day uniquely from the culture around us. The United States as a whole is actually unique in having
His Words Are Life
So many of us avoid seeking out healing from God because of a deep-seated worry that it will involve the pain of reliving the past.
Hearing God’s Voice
As we go through life in this world, it is hard to deny the chaos that surrounds us. As Christians, we understand that the world
Our Promise
As you learn to abide in Christ, you will encounter God personally, hear His Voice, and experience the abundant life.
Our Vision
Living the grand life with God... His exceptional, abundant plan for everyone.
What People Are Saying About Us
Steve & Carolyn
The abiding process has really changed my perspective on things. I’ve gone from being very self- centered, having to control everything, to prove myself to other people - my value and so forth - to really trusting who God is… the barriers that come between a husband and a wife in a battle, in a power struggle - those are gone.
What the Lord’s after is a family. And He wanted me to be a part of that family. And I wasn’t going to be able to be part of that family with the disorder I had. The goal of these packages is to simply show the way, if we can … He came that they might have life and have have it abundantly. We’ve tasted that and our goal is to share it.
Dan & Kathy Rocconi
I was always trying to blaze my own trail, I was waving the Christian flag and praying and reading my Bible … but I think I was still just trying to figure out God’s will for my life on my own… And He says when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. So I’ve learned that it’s actually the role of the Holy Spirit to prepare me.
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We believe in walking along God’s path and connecting to the Vine (abiding). As we walk in unity with others and understand God’s Word as the truth, we are always sure to experience this grand life and accept God’s will as our chosen path.
If I’m not abiding, I feel like I’m dying. Abiding is living… It’s powerful to know that you have God’s perspective on something.
This was the first time that I understood what people meant by God’s living Word. And I’ve been a Christian for a lot of years but this was the first time it really came alive for me and I really could experience that.
God has taken us from restoration to abundance. If somebody would have told me that I could be this much in love with my wife, I wouldn’t have believed them… and every year it keeps getting better and we can’t believe it.
It doesn’t matter where you are at in your walk, if you just got saved yesterday or if you’ve been a 20+ year believer like we have, learning how to hear God’s voice and learning His will is just as important in day 1 as it is in day 3,426. You wanna hear God’s will and this course has helped both of us hear Him more clearly.
It turned out to be the most transformational thing I’ve ever had since salvation in my Christian walk and in our marriage, and it’s just been amazing. God has a path for us and He is there and He’s showing it to us.
Before, in my quiet time, it was more of a checklist thing for me to do in the morning, and, honestly, some mornings it was the thing that went if I was busy, and some days it didn’t even happen. Now, it’s become so personal to me and the time flies by in the morning and God speaks so directly to me and I just never really felt that way on a daily basis before. That has been life-altering for me.
I heard about people living in peace, I heard about people living in joy, and realizing all kinds of things around them are happening. And then we realize, wait a minute, we’re there, we have peace beyond understanding.