Small Group - Discerning God's Will Sept 2024

Date: 09/18/2024 - 12/18/2024
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time: 8:30 PM
Price: Free
Retreat Type: Elective
Location: 2510 Alhambra Court, Santa Rosa Valley, CA 93012, USA

Retreat Description

AS A REMINDER TO ALL ABOUT THE UPCOMING ABIDE IN THE VINE SMALL STUDY GROUP: This is a Recurring Couples Study, (but singles are welcome too) using the Materials created by  "Abiding Ministries" generally for 3 - 5 day long retreats. But, here we have spread the materials to be addressed and followed of over 6 - 8 sessions (perhaps even longer depending on our pace and group dynamics. We are in no rush and wish to really create and deepen relationships. We plan to meet roughly on on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, starting on Wednesday September 18th, which will be an orientation evening.  Plan for an hour and a half from 6:30 to 8:00PM each session. We suspect we will bump into Holidays and decide together how to best work around them. For some attending, this will be one of many "Neighborhood Group" sponsored by Calvary Nexus Church in Camarillo. Some others attend other churches or even be between Church commitments.  A few of you have previously attended another "Abiding In the Vine" study of John15 with us. For others this is new. No matter, all couples and singles are welcome. In Each session, after some fellowship time, we will share new verses and learnings from pre-read materials and videos; facilitate 1 or more breakout questions (with your spouse or another), and then close with breakout sharing with the group.

Retreat Meals

Begin with meal: no meal

End with meal: no meal


Denny and Allyson Weinberg

Pre-Retreat Questions

Special Instructions

The Material being used for this Neighborhood Group (Small Group) has been provided by Abide Ministries retreat materials, which are typically used for a weekend long intensive retreat. Instead of doing the normal weekend retreat format, we will be working through this material as couples in a small group, meeting every 2 week(s) on Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm for about an 1 1/2 hours each.  The address is 2510 Alhambra Court, Santa Rosa Valley.  To prepare for each session, we will ask each couple or single to watch a portion of the session on an Abide Ministries On-Line Course Video site (supported with a workbook) during the days before we get together.  Then, when we get together, each of our sessions will be an open group discussion of the material – personal application, questions from our review of the material, one break out assignment by couple (or other breakout partner for singles), but always going deeper together as a group. We will have refreshments (Snacks, drinks, deserts, etc depending on how we manage around dinner needs).

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